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Mp3 Music

Well something special has hit the underground music industry, the new Diamond Rio PMP 300, a portable mp3 player.
In this light, I my self has also been working on a even "better" mp3 portable player offering more memory and more ways to record. My product is still being researched and built, and should hopefully be completed by may of next year. Diamond's Rio, should be available in november and cost around $199. For now even though I am in the process of making one, I would get the Rio, its worth it!

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I would like to thank the people who have been supportingthis webpage, it is definetly worth it and the info, if you have any comments or new news, please send me the article or comment to [email protected], thanks!
iRc News:
article by dvs

I asked someone if they drank
last night and they said negative.

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